Tuesday 24 January 2017

Displaying No Data Alert in Dashboard


            This Dashboard displays “NO DATA!!” alert

When an User selects or Filters the data and there is no data to that particular selection then an alert should be displayed in place of empty sheet in Dashboard

STEP1: -
Connect to the Superstore.tde

STEP2: -
Create a sheet which contain “Segment wise total sales” view. Drag Segment from dimension tab and drop into column shelf. Similarly drag the sales field from measure tab and drop into the row shelf.

STEP3: -
Apply Quick Filter by right click on Segment field in the column shelf and select “Show Filter”

STEP4: -
Create another sheet with name “Category sales”. Drag the “category” and drop it into column shelf and drag the “sales” and drop into row shelf. Apply quick filter on category by right click on “Category” field and select the “show filter” option. Then the category field adds to the filter shelf

STEP5: -
Create another sheets similarly to category sales sheet with name “Region sales”. Drag the “Region” and drop it into column shelf and drag the “sales” and drop into row shelf. Apply quick filter on region 

STEP6: -
Create a Dashboard containing these three sheets. In the Dashboard, Drag the “horizontal” container, from “objects”, for twice and place them side by side. Drag the “vertical” container and place them below the horizontal container in “Titled” mode 

STEP7: -
Drag the “Text” from the “objects” in floating mode and place it in the three containers and in the edit window, enter the text as “NO DATA!!” and click “ok”
Now fit the text box size to the size of the containers

                          After adding text to the container.

STEP8: -
Drag the three sheets and place on top of these text boxes in floating mode and arrange the filters drop box in container

In the Filter unselect “All” option ,then “No data” will be displayed as shown below.

Thanks Gurus,

DAX Time Intelligence Functions

   Thanks Guru's, Prazval.Ks