Thursday 2 February 2017

Toggling/Popping Dashboard

Description: -

          Toggling Dashboard will display the sheets in the Dashboard  on Demand Dynamically Depnding on the Selection of the User by hiding the remaining sheets .

Procedure: -
STEP1: -
To connect to Datasource File, click on “More” option in the “Connect”. Connect to “Superstore Sales.tde” datasource file which is available in “Archive” folder of “Datasources Folder” in “My Tableau Repository Folder”.
STEP2: -
Create a Sheet with name “Category_OQ”. Drag the Category from Dimension Tab and drop it into “Rows Shelf”
STEP3: -
Drag the Order Quantity field from “Measures Tab” and Drop it into Columns Shelf and colour the visualization with Category by dragging and dropping it into color marks card 

STEP4: -
Create second New sheet with name “Year_Total.Sales”. Drag the “Order Date” field from “Dimension Tab” and drop it into Columns shelf and Drag “Sales from “Measure Tab” and drop it into Rows Shelf 

STEP5: -
Create third new sheet with name “Country_Profit”. Double Click on the “country” field in the Dimension tab and Drag “Profit” field from measure tab and drop it into color marks card. Drag and drop “Sales” and “country” fields and drop into the “Text” of the marks card.
STEP6: -
Create a Parameter with name “Sheet Selector” of type “String” with allowable value as list. In the list take “Bar, Line, Map, All” and click “ok” 

STEP7: -
Go to Analysis Tab in the menu bar and click on “Create Calculated Field” with name “Sheet”. Drag the Sheet Selector Parameter and drop it into the Calculated field.
STEP8: -
Drag the Sheet Calculated field and drop it into the filter shelf of the Category_OQ worksheet and in the Filter options, select “Custom Value List” and enter “Bar, All” and click “ok” 

STEP 9: -
Similarly, for Year_Total.Sales sheet and Country_Profit sheet add the “sheet” calculated field into the filter shelf with “Custom list” containing “Line, All” and “Map, All” respectively.
Right click on the Sheet Selector Parameter and click on show “parameter control”. 
                                                                                            Custom Value list for 2nd and 3rd sheets.

STEP 10: -
Create a New Dashboard. In the Menu bar, select “Dashboard” and then click on “New Dashboard”. Drag the vertical container in the titled mode. Drag the Category_OQ sheet and drop it into the container 
                                                                                                              Creating Dashboard.

STEP 11: -
In the Fig.10, we can observe “Line space” at the bottom of the Category_OQ chart. Drag the “Year_Total.Sales” and drop it into that cross line space of the container as shown in fig 11. Similarly Drag “Country_Profit” and drag it into the empty line of the container.

                                                           Dragging the Other sheets into Cross lined Empty area as above.
STEP 12: -
Show the parameter, select "all" Value,Tableau will displays all the sheets.

Select any one value in the parameter (Bar,Line etc),Tableau will display only that sheet by hiding the remaining sheets as below which is known as TOGGLING technique.

Thanks Guru's,

DAX Time Intelligence Functions

   Thanks Guru's, Prazval.Ks