Design a dynamic Date Axis Display(On Superstore Data) if the user selects a date range that
is larger than 365 days show a yearly Axis, if they select a date range larger
than 30 days show a monthly Axis, otherwise show the view at a daily Axis Level.
Create 3 Calculated Fields “Duration”, “Date Granularity”, and “Date Axis” by below formulas.
Step 2:
Drag and drop “Date Axis” Cal. field into columns shelf, right
click on “Date Axis” field and select Exact Date, Continuos.
Step 3:
Drag and drop “Date” Cal.field into filter shelf and select “Range of dates “click on next, click on apply, ok .
Step 4:
Right click on "Date" field in filter shelf and select
add to context, Select Show filter.
Step 5:
Drag and drop "Sales" measure field into rows shelf and change aggregation as avg.
Step 6:
Perform any selection on Date Filter and check whether the
Date Axis is changing dynamically (or) not.
Thanks Gurus,