Tuesday, 21 November 2017

RStudio Interface

R Studio Interface:-

v  Terms
v  Console
o   Keeps a record of commands issued
o   Error messages appear here
o   Can type code here directly for quick feedback
v  New
o   Create a new R script
v  Editor
o   Where to write code for re-use
o   Best place to write code
v  Run Button
o   Allows you to select and run chunks of code from the Editor 
o   To use: Highlight Code in editor, select "Run" (or Ctrl + Enter)
v  Environment
o   See all variables or data sets you have saved
o   Click on a variable to get more information about it
v  Plots
o   History of any plots created
o   Type plot(1:10) to see a basic plot
v  Help
o   More information about any function you would like to use
v  Packages
o   List of additional sets of functions to bring into work space

o   Where to select, install, or update packages

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Top City Per State

For Each state display the city name having  highest sales.

Step 1:
Create 3 calculated fields 
1.City Sales   2.Top City Sales     3.Top City Name   by below formulas.

Step 2:
Double click on state geographic dimension, select filled map in marks card shelf, drag and drop Sales measure on color, label of the marks card and drag and drop Top City Name calculated field on label of the marks card.

Thanks Guru's,

DAX Time Intelligence Functions

   Thanks Guru's, Prazval.Ks