Tuesday 21 November 2017

RStudio Interface

R Studio Interface:-

v  Terms
v  Console
o   Keeps a record of commands issued
o   Error messages appear here
o   Can type code here directly for quick feedback
v  New
o   Create a new R script
v  Editor
o   Where to write code for re-use
o   Best place to write code
v  Run Button
o   Allows you to select and run chunks of code from the Editor 
o   To use: Highlight Code in editor, select "Run" (or Ctrl + Enter)
v  Environment
o   See all variables or data sets you have saved
o   Click on a variable to get more information about it
v  Plots
o   History of any plots created
o   Type plot(1:10) to see a basic plot
v  Help
o   More information about any function you would like to use
v  Packages
o   List of additional sets of functions to bring into work space

o   Where to select, install, or update packages

DAX Time Intelligence Functions

   Thanks Guru's, Prazval.Ks