Installation and TabPy Server Startup
Python Installation
Install Python
3/higher version from
Anaconda is a convenient way to install Python plus Jupyter notebooks and all the tools needed.
Installing TabPy
ü Start an Anaconda command prompt.
ü At the Anaconda command prompt, type: “pip install tabpy”
ü At the Anaconda command prompt, type “pip install tabpy_client”
ü At the command prompt, start TabPy by typing: “tabpy”
Be sure to note on which port tabpy is running. This will be the last output line from startup.cmd.9004 is the default.
Tableau Desktop:-
ü Open Tableau Desktop
Connecting Tableau Desktop to TabPy
ü To
connect Tableau Desktop to your TabPy server: Select the Help menu, then select Manage External
Service Connection
ü Enter
the server name or ip address of the machine on which TabPy is running. In this
case, "localhost" since it's running on the workstation that you are
using. Enter the port
number that you observed when you started TabPy (9004).
ü We have
not configured any security on our TabPy server, so leave the "sign in" and
"Require SSL" boxes unchecked.