WINDOW functions perform aggregations on a selected
range of data that is included in the structure of the view. The range is set
by negative integers moving backward from a point and positive integers moving
forward from a point. The arguments FIRST() and LAST() as well as parameters
and other fields can also be used to include all data from a given point to the
beginning or end of the data set.
LOOKUP looks forward (positive integers) or backward
(negative integers) a specified number of dimension values in the view. Backward and forward can be determined either
by the structure of the view (i.e., left to right or top to bottom) or by a
specified measure to sort on.
counts 1, 2, 3,… up through however many values there are in a given dimension
or combination of dimensions.
SIZE tells
you the number of values in a given dimension or combination of dimension. You can think of SIZE as the maximum INDEX
Thanks Guru's,
Prazval .ks